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Become a Children's Author in 14 days.

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What a gift for your child. Creating your own story for a life time of memories and a gift that will last them a life time.

Imagine strolling into your local bookstore, and seeing your children's classic lining the shelves. Children are reading, their imaginations sparkling.

Your pride is bulging. And so is your bank balance.

You're following in the footsteps of J.K.Rowling, Terry Pratchett, Roald Dahl, and many other famed authors.

But did you know you can write your children's book - in just TWO WEEKS, or LESS?

It's true. There's a SECRET step-by-step system for writing your children's classic in absolute record time. It's a system that has been refined by many leading authors - and Mel McIntyre wants to share it with you.

Mel has created a website where he shares EVERYTHING you need to know.

Here's the address:

CLICK HERE check it out. I guarantee Mel will amaze you.


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